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Did you know? 28 January has been designated as Data Privacy Day. The goal: "To raise awareness of the importance of privacy and protection of personal information."
79% of websites use trackers to collect user data, sometimes even after you leave the site.
of users
CsgoHaber contributes to online privacy regulation by blinding our online searches and providing results based on our queries, not on who and where we are or our browsing history.
Jack Maximus // Atlanta, Georgia
Be careful what you share with large service providers.... There are alternatives, such as Needtheinfo, that do not store this information.
Maria Weber // London, UK
CsgoHaber enables us to effectively enforce European data protection legislation and strengthen our support for alternative data protection options.
Kara Baltazar // Bracelona, Spain
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Latest Blog & News
Exploring Microorganisms: A Detailed Overview
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Bipolar disorder
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Mixing consoles
Harnessing Solar Power: An Overview of Solar Panels
Solar panels
Understanding Cyclicality: A Ten-Point Overview
Exploring the Spectrum Analyzer: A Ten-Point Overview
Spectrum analyzer
Unveiling the Art of Manipulation: A Ten-Point Exploration
Exploring the Intriguing Psychology of Basic Instinct: A Ten-Point Overview
The basic Instinct
Exploring the Foundations of Probability Theory: A Ten-Point Overview
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Understanding Sublimation: A Comprehensive Exploration
Exploring the Ancient Art of Alchemy
Unraveling the Mysteries of Genetics
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The quantum physics
Exploring the Realm of Science Fiction
Science fiction
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